Sunday, December 6, 2009

Birthday Bliss

The busy birthday weekend filled with holiday open houses and a small party is drawing to a close.

Friday night started out with an open house at my Jax studio--a Lowertown First Fridays event. I can't say it was very successful--very, very low numbers as far as visitor goes. It was a very busy weekend in the area, with lots of special events and I'm sure that had a lot to do with it. Disappointing just the same.

Hubby and I headed home after that open house to prepare for the open house at our home on Saturday. I was up till 1 a.m. baking cookies and cleaning.


No sleeping in on my birthday! I was up early to pick up artwork from my Jax studio and then hang it here at home. Having the open house gave us the incentive to get more projects around the house done and finish the holiday decorating. It was a busy Saturday morning! 


Saturday afternoon we had an open house for the public and for our Tilsner neighbors. Not a huge turnout, but it was a nice afternoon spent visiting with friends and baking more cookies. 

And then Saturday night I had friends from work over, plus a few folks that live down the hall. It was a joyous birthday evening filled with laughter, music, and food. I almost forgot that I'm a year older!

Today was a quiet day with my honey. We were both a little worn out. I picked the movie "Everybody's Fine" starring Robert De Niro and Drew Barrymore. I thought it was going to be a funny, feel-good movie. I enjoyed it a great deal, but spent more time crying than laughing! But I actually enjoyed going to a movie that was thoughtful and all about family and relationships...maybe there will be more about that in another post.

I'm taking tomorrow off from work to enjoy my birthday just a bit longer. Not sure yet what we'll be doing. More than anything I want to relax and recharge, so I'm ready for the next few busy weeks before the holidays. Finding time to paint and be creative will be difficult from now till Christmas is over. Every day at work will be brimming over with activity. I have nearly all of my holiday shopping still to do. And so much more baking...but creating all of that holiday cheer taps into my creative spirit and fills it up.

Here's hoping it's a joyful and creative holiday season for all!


Unknown said...

I enjoyed being a guest in your home. The cookies, company and conversation was great. Did I say the homemade cookies were great. Wow. They melted in your mouth.

Seriously, you are a joy to be around. And celebrating your birthday with you in your home was grand. Look forward to next year.

pinkglitterfae said...

happy birthday! It sounds like you had a fun time with friends.
Although I shouldn't have looked at the picture with all those yummy treats, lol!