Friday, March 6, 2009

The current state of my studio

Fellow blogger and artist Kim recently shared with her readers a few shots of what her studio looks like these days. She inspired me to snap a few shots of my studio today as I was working on some new pieces.
I took these pieces when I was at a very frustrated place...not sure what I was going to do with the piece I was working on (it's the bottom piece of the lower photo). Honestly I was near tears. I worked through it...or thought I did. I went back and forth...liking it, hating it...When I left the studio, I was feeling somewhat ambivalent about the piece. It definitely isn't done, but I'm not sure what I want to do with it.
My hope when I went to the studio this afternoon was to finish a few pieces and feel good about them. I wasn't feeling good physically. My full-time job wore me down this week and I needed to feel good about something. Surely I could count on an afternoon in the studio to make things right.
It's o.k. though. I'll head back to the studio tomorrow and keep working.


Sheila said...

I love the colors you have going on right now. I am going thru the same thing right now with my MWO piece. I just can't figure out what to do with it. I'm so far and stuck. I have to finish it by tomorrow so hopefully something will come to me. Good luck with your piece tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I, too, love the color palette you're using for those pieces! And I love seeing your studio, and WIPs.

When I get that frustrated with something I'm working on, I just have to walk away for a while. The more I try to keep working, the more frustrated I get. I hope your time away from the project helps give you a new perspective tomorrow! Looking forward to seeing the finished work.

Artsnark said...

Ooh - love that pink wall!
Good luck with your pieces. WHen I have a problem piece, sometimes it helps (after trying the walk away method) to hold it up in front of a mirror. Sounds odd, but helps me pinpoint the spot that needs changing.
Look forward to your finished piece!

Alisa Nordholt-Dean said...

Sometimes it takes awhile before a piece finally tells you what to do with it. I've half finished canvases sitting on my table for months before I finally found the inspiration to finish the pieces. Don't get discouraged...just move on to something else. You'll come back to it when you're ready.

Anonymous said...

Hi Risa,

I'm the editor of Artful Blogging. I was wondering if we could have permission to publish some of what you wrote in your post on February 8, 200? Please let me know:

thank you!

Kim said...

Hi glad I inspired you to post pics of your studio!! I love seeing where all of my creative friends create. I also love the colors you are working with!

Unknown said...

Wow! You look so organized compared to my studio! And the cat just threw up on my table too!

Julie Branch said...

What is it about seeing pictures of studios that is so wonderful? I just love seeing the paint, the mess, the tools...thanks for sharing your space.