Thursday, March 10, 2011


I'm moving about as slow as this turtle these days. It's quite gray outside and we are still talking snowpack and windchills here. 

But I think the real reason for my malaise is a bad case of "post-grant-itis". Yes, I did get my very first artist grant submitted! It was a relatively easy grant proposal (in comparison to others that I've heard about!). Still it required my dedicated attention for several days. It was all completed via an online submission process (quite easy actually). When I finally hit the "submit" button late Tuesday night, the sense of relieve I anticipated was more like an "OMG! What now?"

The truth is, I can do nothing but wait.  Wait for some news on whether or not I make it to the finalist round for the grant (It will be a 4-6 week wait. I submitted it with NO expectations, but keeping my fingers crossed anyways.)

And wait for spring. She's slow in coming this year. We've made it to the #7 snowiest winter of all time (for our area). Whoopee. I'm not looking for any records to be broken. I'm already anticipating flooding (again). We actually need spring to come rather slowly, but I think everyone is getting a little antsy.

And best of all, my shortest wait is for my dear friend, Julie to come for a visit this weekend! She has one of her pieces in the Textile Center's Figuratively Fiber show opening this Friday! 

So for all of you waiting for spring as I am, I'll share pics from a visit I took a few weeks ago to the Como Conservatory. It was wonderfully warm and moist (I could feel my hair curl up and frizz). And luciously green. Plus there was a little surprise at the end.

Are you ready for the surprise? As I rounded the last corner, heading to the exit door, I looked up and saw this: 

He didn't move a bit!


GlorV1 said...

What great photos and pray tell...what is that beautiful creature who is sleeping so soundly. What a beauty!

GlorV1 said...

Good luck also on your submission.