Sunday, January 17, 2010

Holy Cow! It's 2010!!!

Sometimes when I'm in a funk, I like to listen to music, sit down with a bunch of old magazines, rip/cut out pics and create collages. No painting or anything--just simply creating collage with pictures and paper. It's a great way to clear my head and actually free up my creative juices. This week I combined a collage project for myself with a project for work.

Last week I was reading Kim Geiser's Persimmons Gal blog and had an "aha" moment. I was looking for a project for the women's group I was facilitating at work on Friday. After reading Kim's blog, I rushed out to the Dollar Store and bought up a stack of datebooks--the exact same kind that Kim had used. A great deal at only a $1 a piece! My new group plan: have everyone create their own collage of their vision for 2010--for their very own datebook.

First, I got to create my very own collaged datebook as a prototype for my group. I decided to create one that would be my datebook to keep track of art projects and competitions. Here's what I came up with:

the front cover

the back cover

I have to say the whole project was a hit with the moms in group. And it helped me work out of my winter funk. I enjoyed it so much that I decided to create another datebook collage to focus on my plan to get healthy in 2010. Here's the back cover:

Now that I have my datebooks ready, I'm ready to tackle 2010!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so cheerful and colorful, Risa! After seeing this it makes me want to work hard to get out of my winter slump, too!